Has it ever occurred to you to go to the store to buy bread and return home with new pair of shoes ․․․ with high heels ․․․ well a little awkward ․․․ Well, were there several similar items in your wardrobe?
Can you remember the moment, when you made the decision to make a spontaneous purchase? What motivated you to make that decision, the thought or the feeling? Usually the rather exaggerated answers "it turned out that way", "I saw the yellow label and I couldn't stand it" make you think about the emotional impact on the buyer's behavior.
In the past, when there was not much variety, the possibilities were much more limited, in the process of acquiring the product, rationalism seemed to prevail, and the following scheme worked:
Thinking (I need shoes)
Action (product purchase
Emotion (I'm glad I met my need)
Now an absolutely different algorithm works․
Emotions (I want shoes)
Action (acquisition)
Thinking (I enjoy shopping)
Over time, brands emerged, the range of such products expanded, and the middle class began to develop, which was relatively solvent. The predominance of emotional impulses in shopping became more apparent, became the basis for scientific research, and was considered an emotional revolution in the economy.
Neuromarketing will answer the question- how to use consumer behavior. This science is in the middle of neurobiology and marketing, which:
studies the reaction of the buyer under the influence of marketing stimuli,
predicts customer behavior and selection criteria,
helps to choose this or that product, brand on a subconscious level.
The advertisement's carefully chosen colors, the music playing in the store, the well-organized variety, the aroma of vanilla or cake in the café... these are all classic instances of neuromarketing tactics.
Over time, brands emerged, the range of such products expanded, and the middle class began to develop, which was relatively solvent. The dominance of emotional impulses in shopping became more apparent, became the basis for scientific research, and was considered an emotional revolution in the economy.
Neuromarketing will answer how to use consumer behavior. This science is at the heart of neurobiology and marketing, which ․
studies the reaction of the buyer under the influence of marketing stimuli,
predicts customer behavior և selection criteria,
helps to choose this or that product, brand on a subconscious level.
The specially selected colors in the advertisement, the music connected in the store, the clear arrangement of the assortment, the smell of vanilla or cake in the cafe ... these are all classic examples of neuromarketing tools.
With the help of neuromarketing today it is possible to arouse the cognitive and emotional reaction of the consumer to the commercial message or information, motivating him to prefer this or that brand. Neuromarketing research is called upon to evaluate which version of advertising or which design of packaging produces the most positive response, resulting in adjustments to the final version that will be offered to the buyer.
In other words, if you wanted to eat something good right now, neuromarketing had been working on you ։)
Join our "Neuromarketing Basics" course if you wish to master this field and apply neuromarketing standards and achievements.
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